Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Making The Most Of College

I was just reading the book Making the Most of College by Richard J. Light. He's faculty at Harvard, so maybe i'll meet him. In his book he writes:

"83 percent of undergraduates are required to hand in at least sixty pages of work, final draft, in an academic year. The sixty pages is a lower bound. A large fraction of students hand in well over a hundred pages" (58).

Good thing these data exclude science concentrators... few... :)

I'm sure I'll still write a lot though. Yippee! I enjoy writing about things that interest me, so I'll just make sure that the courses I sign up for have cool assignments as well as interesting writing assignments if any.

I definitely want to get better at writing and communicating because I want to sell many of my own eBooks and published books over the internet and in book stores.

Since I am a very practical person, as long as i can make connections between course work and things outside of school, i'm happy. This is what Light recommends in his second chapter, 2 Powerful Connections.


Monday, January 08, 2007

My Goals for Today

1. Finish Cleaning Room
-I've come a long way! My room is now SPOTLESS!!! Plus, I even cleaned up other areas of my life. For example, my music/ipod and my phone contact list. There are just a few more things I'd like to organize.

2. Work Out at the YMCA.

3. Start making at least $100/day.